About our Rebellion to add Value to Academics
Axisa Academy is the result of the collective efforts we have put in, to develop a thought process in our students; the thought process of seeing, observing, formulating, thinking, rethinking, and delivering. . . not merely fancying a successful career.
Axisa Academy is a success. But that’s just a coincidence. Axisa Academy is different, and that’s a polite claim.
The students and respective parents must therefore have a clear insight of our approach before joining us at Axisa Academy.
It was a rebellious beginning in 1995. Unlike conventional tutors and teachers, We decided to respect the ignorance of students and help them explore.
Gradually, over the period, we have developed methods and techniques to do so.
To make it more lucid, here’s an illustration:
Scene One (a conventional tuition classroom)
Teacher: Do you know about Force?
Student: Yes, I have heard of it.
Teacher: Okay. Today we will study about Force. When we push or pull something, we apply force.
So, a push or pull is called Force.
Student: Yes, now I know about Force.
Noticeably, a student first hears about 'Force' and tries to collect some words to explain the term - Force.
Scene Two (Axisa classroom)
Teacher: Will a stationary object like a table or chair move if you touch it?
Student: No
Teacher: Will it move if you push it?
Student: Yes
Teacher: Did you see the difference?
There is no effect in the first case but in the second case, the movement (motion) of the table is an effect.
There must be some cause for this effect. Do you think the ‘touch’ could be a cause of this effect?
Student: (Thinks and Analyzes) No.
Teacher: Do you think the ‘push’ caused the effect?
Student: (again, Thinks and Analyzes) Yes.
Teacher: Do you think ‘push’ can cause another effect like fire?
Student: No
Teacher: This implies that push is a cause for the change in the state of a body from rest to the state of motion.
This ‘cause’ must be given some name. We call it Force.
In the second scenario, the thought process of a student is to see the object, observe the difference between two situations, and analyze and coin a term for the cause.
At Axisa Academy, we assure every student must have an opportunity to learn this way.
So far, so good!
But this method helps a student only in understanding things in a better way. Neither does one become a genius, nor does it guarantee better grades in examinations.
We, therefore, categorize learning into 3 stages (3P System)
1. Perceive (Grasp)
2. Practice
3. Perform
The tendency of students is to move on without practicing. If a student only grasps the concepts and does not practice, everything may be lost in time.
At Axisa Academy a student is therefore pressurized emotionally, physically, and otherwise to practice assignments on the same day a lecture is delivered.
Even after grasping and practicing, a student might not perform well in examination as there is a lot of difference between ‘practice’ and ‘perform’.
While practicing, one is not conscious but the very sense of performing makes one conscious.
Students' fear of performance is overcome by Mock-Tests and Self-evaluations.
We strongly suggest students to look at an answer from a teacher’s perspective, which cannot be achieved unless one learns to evaluate answers.
This is taught by discussing Marking-Schemes after every Mock-Test.
The Axisa system of learning works only for those students who are honest with themselves and are ready to take the stress.
We humbly request parents not to expect miracles to happen!