Class 9, Science, Chapter-12, Lecture-7, Farm Management (Notes)
Farm Management:
The practice of grooming, providing shelter, feeding and providing health care to animals is called Farm Management.
Advantages of Grooming:
- Removes dirt and loose hair.
- Removes parasites.
- Increases blood circulation.
- Helps in maintaining proper health of animals.
Characteristics of Good Animal Shelter:
- Spacious
- Clean, dry and well-ventilated.
- Proper disposal of wastes.
- Provision of fresh, clean water for drinking, bathing and washing.
- Protection from rain, heat, cold and predators.
Cattle Feed:
The food that contains essential components needed for the growth, development and general maintenance of body of a domesticated animal is called feed.
Factors determining feed requirements:
- Age
- Growth
- Pregnancy
- Lactation
- Nature of work
- State of health
Components of Cattle Feed:
- Roughage:
Cattle feed which have low nutrient content and are rich in fibre content are called roughage.
Examples: Berseem, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Sudan Grass, Husk, Straw - Concentrates :
Cattle feed which have low fibre content and are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins are called concentrates.
Examples: Grains and Seeds, Oil cakes, Rice bran, Wheat bran, Molasses - Feed additives - Minerals, Vitamins, Antibiotics
Communicable Animal Diseases:
- Foot and Mouth Disease (viral) - most common cattle disease
- Rinderpest or Cattle Plague (viral)
- Cow Pox (Viral)
- Salmonellosis (Bacterial)
- Anthrax (Bacterial)
Symptoms of Sick Animals:
- Tiredness and inactiveness
- Less intake of food
- Reduced yield of milk or egg.
- Watery dung
- Change in urine colour
- Redness in eyes
- Droopy ears
- Coughing and sneezing
- Excessive salivation
- Watery nose
- Increased body temperature.