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Class 9, Science, Chapter-12, Lecture-7, Farm Management (Notes)

Farm Management:

The practice of grooming, providing shelter, feeding and providing health care to animals is called Farm Management.

Advantages of Grooming:

  1. Removes dirt and loose hair.
  2. Removes parasites.
  3. Increases blood circulation.
  4. Helps in maintaining proper health of animals.

Characteristics of Good Animal Shelter:

  1. Spacious
  2. Clean, dry and well-ventilated.
  3. Proper disposal of wastes.
  4. Provision of fresh, clean water for drinking, bathing and washing.
  5. Protection from rain, heat, cold and predators.

Cattle Feed:

The food that contains essential components needed for the growth, development and general maintenance of body of a domesticated animal is called feed.

Factors determining feed requirements:

  1. Age
  2. Growth
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Lactation
  5. Nature of work
  6. State of health

Components of Cattle Feed:

  1. Roughage:
    Cattle feed which have low nutrient content and are rich in fibre content are called roughage.
    Examples: Berseem, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Sudan Grass, Husk, Straw
  2. Concentrates :
    Cattle feed which have low fibre content and are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins are called concentrates.
    Examples: Grains and Seeds, Oil cakes, Rice bran, Wheat bran, Molasses
  3. Feed additives - Minerals, Vitamins, Antibiotics

Communicable Animal Diseases:

  1. Foot and Mouth Disease (viral) - most common cattle disease
  2. Rinderpest or Cattle Plague (viral)
  3. Cow Pox (Viral)
  4. Salmonellosis (Bacterial)
  5. Anthrax (Bacterial)

Symptoms of Sick Animals:

  1. Tiredness and inactiveness
  2. Less intake of food
  3. Reduced yield of milk or egg.
  4. Watery dung
  5. Change in urine colour
  6. Redness in eyes
  7. Droopy ears
  8. Coughing and sneezing
  9. Excessive salivation
  10. Watery nose
  11. Increased body temperature.