Class 9, Science, Chapter-12, Lecture-8, Poultry Farming (Notes)
The rearing of domesticated chicken, ducks, geese and pigeon for their meat and eggs is termed as poultry farming.
The poultry birds which are specially raised for meat production are called broilers.
The poultry birds which are specially raised for egg production are called layers.
Poultry Breeds:
- Indigenous
- Aseel- (Peela, Yakub, Nuries, Kajal)
- Kadaknath
- Chattisgarh
- Busra
- Exotic
- White Leghorn
- Rhode Island Red
- Plymouth
- Black Minorca
Desirable Traits in Improved Variety of Poultry:
- Improved quality and quantity of chicks.
- Dwarf broiler parent for commercial chick productions.
- Tolerance to high temperature.
- Low maintenance requirements.
- Reduced size of layers without decrease in the size of eggs.
- Ability to utilise cheap fibrous agricultural by-products as diet.
Poultry Feed:
Poultry feed consists of mashed cereals, bran of rice, ground oil cakes, fish-meal, meat-meal and bone-meal which is rich in vitamin A and vitamin K.
Characteristics of Good Poultry Shelter:
- Spacious
- Clean, dry and well-ventilated.
- Proper disposal of wastes.
- Provision of fresh, clean water for drinking, bathing and washing.
- Protection from rain, heat, cold and predators.
- Separate houses for brooders, growers and layers.
- Solid floor covered with dry absorptive material such as saw dust.
Poultry Diseases:
- Bird Flu (Viral)
- Ranikhet (Viral)
- Cholera (Bacterial)
- Tuberculosis (Bacterial)
- Aspergillosis (Fungal)
Prevention from Poultry Diseases:
- Use of insecticide solution in poultry shelters.
- Regular spray of disinfectants to keep away from external parasites and mosquitoes.
- Vaccination to immunize against common diseases.