How to score 100% marks in Science in CBSE Class 10 Board Exam (AISSE)

There are three parts of School Education concerning academics. You PERCEIVE something, that is you grasp the concept. Then you PRACTICE by way of writing answers to different types of questions, solving numerical problems, etc. The third and very important part is to PERFORM in the examination.
For scoring good marks, you solve Free Sample Papers available on the internet or the hard copy of sample papers available in the bookstores.
At Axisa Academy, we have developed a systematic technique to prepare for scoring 100 out of 100 in science. Our students' results are enough to speak about the technique we have developed and we can call it successful with complete conviction. We would like to delightfully share that our students Anushka Sharma and Priyanshu Raj scored 100/100 in AISSE -2022. And we are delighted to share the technique with you.
There are 7 steps to scoring 100 % in Science in CBSE Class 10 Board Exams. The technique can be used for other subjects too, but we are experts only in Mathematics and Science for students of Classes 8, 9, and 10.
Go through the article and score 100 in Science in AISSE 2023.
Step-1: Read Questions Carefully
We have observed that students tend to misunderstand questions and write inappropriate answers.
Remember, you are not supposed to write what you know, you must write what you are asked for.
So, the first step is to read the questions carefully. But how to do that?
Follow these steps.
- Read the question slowly
- Visualize while you read
- Read again
- Think of the appropriate answer
- Read again and ask these two questions to yourself.
- Is my answer the best I can write?
- Does the answer need a diagram?
Step-2: Highlight the ‘KEYWORDS’
Do not compel your teacher to read the full answer. Underline the keywords or use block letters to highlight them. Remember the golden rule: Half marks for each keyword (or Value Point).
Properly align and use indentation. This makes it easy for teachers to read and adds value to your answer. You should use this for other subjects such as Social Science too.
For Numerical Based Questions, always draw a rectangular box around the final answer (along with proper units).
Step-3: Be Extra Careful with Numerical Based Questions
- Write down all the given physical quantities explaining their symbols.
For example, if the initial velocity is 2 meters per second, write
${\rm{initial ~velocity,~ }}u = 2{\rm{ }}m{s^{ - 1}}$
Don't just write
$u = 2{\rm{ }}m{s^{ - 1}}$
To many of you, it may appear to be a waste of time. But remember, in CBSE Class 10 Board Exams (AISSE) or for that matter in Class 8 or Class 9 school-based exams, you need to answer only 2 or 3 numerical problems. - Always write proper units.
- Avoid calculations if you can. Most of the time, values get cancelled as we proceed. So, it will be an extra task to first multiply and then divide. You may commit mistakes in doing so.
- Carefully see the values of universal constants or quantities such as the value of the universal gravitational constant, acceleration due to gravity, values of square roots, etc.
- Always mention the rule OR the formula used. Even if you get your calculations wrong, you may get marks for writing the correct formula.
- And last but not least, write a concluding statement with proper values and units.
Step-4: Draw Neat, Labelled Diagrams wherever required
Neat and properly labelled diagrams add value to your science answers. Attractive diagrams are not necessary. Yes, they are a bonus to your answer.
For a three-mark diagram, you will score half marks for each correct labelling (two marks for four labellings) and one mark for neatness and correctness. So, a correct diagram is more important.
Try to practice simple diagrams so that you can draw them in time. At Axisa Academy, we are very particular about the right method of drawing so that it takes less time during exams.
Step-5: Manage your Time, it is not unlimited

On average, you get two minutes to answer for one mark. You should always start from the last section (Long Answer Questions). If the last section comprises, say 20 marks, you can take 40 to 50 minutes for answering this section. If for some reason, you take long, don’t panic. Increase your writing speed slightly without compromising the legibility of your handwriting. One-mark questions need less writing, so you can compromise your handwriting in that section but not in 'Short-Answer' or 'Long-Answer Sections'. If you maintain this desired speed, you will have time to revise your answer in the end (See step 7, “Not just revise, re-visit and make final changes to your answers”).
Step-6: Make your Answer Sheet ‘Dilkhush’
Your answer sheet, with correct answers, must be pleasing to the teacher’s eye. At Axisa Academy, We call it the ‘DILKHUSH’ answer sheet.
Correct answers may get you 100 % marks in Science Exam in CBSE Class 10 Boards but a PRESENTABLE ANSWER SHEET with correct answers WILL get you 100 % marks.
How to make your answer sheet pleasing to the teacher’s eye?
- Leave a gap of three lines between two answers.
- Underline keywords or use block letters to highlight your important words.
- Never draw diagrams on the left side of the page. Either draw in the centre or keep it right aligned.
- If the diagram is drawn in the centre of the page, try to distribute labels on each side of the diagram evenly.
- DO NOT write anything other than the serial number of the question or its subpart, on the left margin. If your answer contains pointers, and you wish to number those, use roman numerals inside the page (excluding the left margin).
- Use a separate page for rough work. Give it the heading ‘ROUGH WORK’ on the top and cross the page. You may forget to cross the page due to hassle at the last minute, so cross it at the beginning of the exam. This page is not going to be evaluated anyway.
Step-7: Do Not just Revise, Re-think, and make final changes to your answers
Revision Technique:
Once you are done with writing answers to your Science Exam Paper, do not be in haste to submit the answer sheet.
Read each question again and try to visualize the answer in your mind (Do not read the answer, just try to imagine as if you are going to write the answer for the first time). After imagining the answer, read what you have written. Do they look the same? The one you imagined and the one you wrote. If yes, VOILA... If not, try to add a missing point in the gap you left (That three-line gap between two answers. Remember!).
Do this for all questions.
Check, if you have written the serial number of the question. At Axisa Academy, during the Mock Tests, we have observed that sometimes in the nervousness of writing answers, many students forget to write the questions’ serial numbers. In such a situation, the two consecutive answers will be considered as one and you may not get marks.
If you are satisfied with your answer and don’t need to add anything, draw two lines, with just a one-millimetre separation, between the answers. Believe us, it looks great if done perfectly.
Submit your answer with a SMILE. Come out of the examination hall with a LAUGH. And, keep dating while you wait for the CBSE results.
NO EXAMINER CAN DENY YOU YOUR RIGHT, that is 100 out of 100 in Science in CBSE Class 10 Board Exam (AISSE).
If you need to practice these steps, take Free Mock Test and practice Free Sample Question Papers provided by Axisa Academy, the best tuition cetre for classes 8, 9, and 10 in Maths and Science in Bokaro. These will be of much help. You may take live online tests at your home. Join our Live Marking Scheme Discussion Session and self-evaluate.